– film

Camera : Fiona McPherson, Coco van Oppens, Elu Kieser.
Original format : Color video / 4:3
Single Channel Digital Video
16 min 24 sec
Artists have always painted the social concerns of their time, and by my moving in a chandelier-tutu through a squatter camp being demolished … and filming it … that’s what I’m doing too, a digital painting of a social reality, half beautifully imagined, half horribly real – where Hollywood glamour meets concentration camp horror. I am trying to shed light on what is seldom seen, by creating amid destruction.
What I do is always a question – going to a squatter camp in a chandelier is asking the question “what will happen when I wear an illuminated chandelier-tutu into lightless squatter territory?” with no intention of resolving anything – it’s not like “I’m going to wear a chandelier and go to a squatter camp and fix things” – I am not a well-intentioned political art plumber. My art is about trying to articulate the results of an experiment while it happens.
Steven Cohen

© John Hogg (all photos)
Vidéo : Fiona McPherson, Coco van Oppens, Elu Kieser

24 rue Succursale | 33000 Bordeaux | France
Samuel Mateu
Administrateur de production | +33(0)